About Us

The Cyber-Physical Control Systems and Robotics lab (C2SR) is part of the Research Center for Systems and Technologies (SYSTEC), Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (FEUP). The C2SR lab carries out research in the general area of Signals, Systems, and Robotics (theory and applications) for mobile networked cyber-physical systems with a particular focus on motion planning, guidance, navigation, and control of single and multiple cooperative/coordinated autonomous robotic vehicles; nonlinear control and estimation theory; decentralized control and estimation of networked cyber-physical control systems; optimal control; switched and hybrid systems; tracking and path-following; nonlinear observers; performance limitations; structure control of large-scale networked systems; and visual servo control.
The research team (members and collaborators) is multidisciplinary with backgrounds in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, Computer Science, and Applied Mathematics.

Key research highlights in the last four years include:

  • A framework for motion control and estimation of single and multiple heterogeneous autonomous robotic vehicles (underwater, surface and aerial) for data gathering and intervention purposes targeting scenarios of searching, surveillance, and surveying operations.
  • A framework for analysis and design of optimization-based sampled-data economic model predictive control systems, aiming problems that include tradeoff objectives (e.g., economic, performance, robustness, safety, system observability properties, communication behavior and interaction with other systems, etc.)
  • A framework for analysis and resilient design of large-scale networked dynamical systems using structural system properties, with emphasis on applications to real-time active monitoring.
Faculty of Engineering – University of Porto
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